How do I get paid from a Project?

Go to the Project and click "Submit Expense". You will need to upload a valid receipt or invoice, and provide your PayPal address.

More details

How are expenses approved?

Anyone can file an expense to any Project (in the same way that anyone can make a pull request to any open source project). To be paid, it must be approved by one of the Core Contributors of that Project.

Please ensure your expense meets the expense policy of the Project, which appears on the 'submit expense' form. If you modify an expense, it will have to be approved again. Once paid, it cannot be modified.

Are receipts or invoices public?

Basic data for all expenses, like the amount and description, are public. But attachments like invoices are private, as they may contain personal information. Only the administrators of the Project and the Fiscal Host can see invoice and receipt details.

When will I get paid?

Expenses for Projects in Fiscal Hosts managed by Donate PR are paid weekly, on Thursdays. Other hosts have their own policies and schedules.

Can I get paid other than via PayPal?

Right now our system only is able to send outgoing payments using PayPal, and paying by other means is a manual process.

If the Project is fiscally hosted by Donate PR (e.g. the Open Source Project), we're only able to send bank transfers for special circumstances, such as a user located in a country PayPal does not serve, or for very large amounts.

We hope to add more choices for automated payments in the future, including bank transfer, cryptocurrency, and other payment platforms.

If the Project is fiscally hosted by an entity not managed by Donate PR, contact them directly to find out their policy about manual payments.

Last updated